Breakups… and Birthdays
We’ve been working on a number of different initiatives for the last couple of years. Some new Libraries, some new Types of Work we deliver for clients, and also: Prlx.Apps: Applications John has been creating. Some that are standalone Revit Addins, some that work in concert with our Templates and Libraries.
At first, i was staunchly in the camp of “company wide licenses only,” simply out of fear of license management overburdening on our end, and license chasing and hopping on the clients end. But i love being proved wrong, as it means i learn new things: John was able to massively simplify the licensing workflows, so now: MOST apps can now be bought one seat at a time, or multiple installs per license key.
While working through the licensing hurdles and options, we were trying to put a number of the Prlx.Apps on the Autodesk App Store, for ease of distribution, as we didn’t have a purchase portal set up on the website.
But… we had to breakup with the App Store. We can still be friends, but it wasn’t working out. The time investment and number of conversations (across many time zones) to get an app published, just wasn’t conducive to what we want to be doing. Submissions turned in to days, and weeks. SO: Our website now supports App purchases directly on the site:
This is just a start, too. We’re in the process of Converting our other offerings (Training Classes) to be accessible through the site, as well.
Which brings us toooooo:
… and Birthdays
We (accidentally) realized that today is the exact Five Year anniversary of Parallax Team! (I say accidentally because we learned this when the websites DNS lapsed while working on the Purchase Portal, because it was tied to a Credit Card i lost in the @BILTEvent Seattle Wallet fiasco, but i digress). HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
In light of the birthday, there is a Coupon Code available for new Purchases of Tabbed Views+ for Revit 2019+!
Enter Coupon Code omgwtfbirfdaykthxbye to get 25 bucks off each seat of Tabbed Views+, that you buy in the next few weeks. 🙂
Its been a great five years, in a lot of different ways. I’m looking forward (even more) to the next five. Especially now that John and Melissa are both part of the team. I love both of these pictures because they are “pre-Teamification.” =)
I cant even say how excited i am to work with both John and Melissa. Both have already made huge improvements and changes to how we do things, and that’s so exciting. We will have to do a blog post on just *what we have tuned up internally, because you joined.* Notion, Revu Sets in Studio, BIM 360 changes, Template Changes, Apps, Otter… Teams bringing (and implementing) ideas, makes the dream work!
Being the anniversary, i took a quick stroll down photo-memory lane: The OG Prlx Office (two homes ago), first day “cutting up” the office walls with my lovely Architect wife (who will kill me for posting this), and some of the “PRLX in the Wild” photos we’ve received (there are tons more, lol).
Looking forward to doing more great things for even more great companies, in the coming years. (And hopefully when we get to a post-COVID world, we look forward to SEEING you all, again!)